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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Everyone Can Use a Good Quote

I discovered another blog hop that I immediately identified with. Unlike my last post where I had to think very hard on what I would have on a deserted island, when tasked with a favorite quote, I came up with three instantly. Two of them are from my favorite book series of all time, The Sword of Truth.

The first one is the Wizard's third rule: Passion rules reason, for better or worse 

I've seen and experienced this quote first hand. My estranged husband, who I am no longer living with and has our cat, Sammy, fell for this. He and I are on decent terms right now while I'm deciding if I want to move forward with a divorce, and I was missing our cat terribly. One day, he told me he had a surprise for me, and met me in a parking lot. Suddenly, out comes a cat carrier, along with kitty supplies. I was shocked. I was happy to see my kitty (whom I rescued back in 2008), but also concerned when he told me that I could have him over the weekend, like some child custody thing. Anybody that is a cat person like me (And maybe watches My Cat from Hell. I love that show), knows that cats do not get along well with change, and Sammy would be incredibly stressed at this new environment. I would also have to keep him locked in my room, as my family owns two other cats and a dog that would likely chomp his head off if Sammy ever attacked him. I should have said no, and wished I would have, but Sammy had already come this far and I really missed him. So, we both fell for it. Justin was trying to make me happy by allowing me to spend some quality time with my cat, but in the process didn't think about how much it would stress Sammy out to be away from home. He ended up being okay - I only kept him for two of the three nights and promptly had Justin pick him up again. But I felt bad for doing that to my sweetie. It wasn't worth it in the end.

He's my silly Sammy!

The second quote is the Wizard's second rule: The greatest harm can result from the best intentions

Very similar to the other quote and also goes well with the situation above. I have also personally done this a few times. In an effort to be helpful, you end up doing more harm than good to either yourself or others. There are certain people that I care for deeply that are not my family, and sometimes that caring nature can be interpreted as pushy, clingy, or just weird. And in an effort to be helpful, you realize that you're pushing that person away instead. It's a thin line that's hard not to cross sometimes.

The third quote is, I think, by far my favorite humorous quote: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

If you've ever seen Mythbusters and know of Adam Savage (hell, even if you've only seen the intro to the show - he says it there too), then you know this quote. I absolutely love it because it is how I like to think. It's scientist meets stubbornness. It's about the idea that even if you've seen the results yourself, you can still be stubborn and choose to believe how you want to. It's meant to be silly. I used to have this quote on a tee-shirt and as a bumper sticker. I'd even made a similar saying to someone long before Adam spoke those words:

Quit dragging me into your weird alternate realities, okay? I can do without it - I have my own!


  1. I like the third quote the best! Sort of sums up living an authentically individual life.

  2. "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Ha! I love it!
