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Friday, June 28, 2013

I like Demolition Derbies, in case you wondered how feminine I was

Today is another Finish the Sentence Friday, and today it's

The best fourth of July I had was...

I've done a number of things as a child for 4th of July. Some of the time, my parents and I would go to the ocean. We were allowed to park on the beach, and we'd watch the fireworks coming from a boat or a nearby town. Once we went to a city on the bay, and we were so close to the launch point that my stomach pretty much fell out of my body with every "BOOM" and "BANG". I didn't really enjoy it that year. I think my favorite 4th were the times that we went to the Demolition Derby. Back before Spanaway Speedway closed (The track was there first - people who bought their houses around it and then complained of the noise! Geez) they had a few derbies a year, which I always enjoyed going to, but they really pulled all the stops for 4th of July, and the one up in Monroe is even better (heck of a long drive, though).

cmon, who doesn't want to see carnage like this?!

It's not just about cars ramming into each other. It's about hinging all your bets on a specific car and screaming at them to at least make it to the end of the race. It's about watching cars dragging boats behind them while doing figure 8s, or wooping at cars that try to race each other while chained together. Watching busses race is always a blast too. And then when it's all said and done, you get to watch fireworks blast off. It's really the perfect end to a fun-packed day. I'm hoping I can make it up there this year, because thanks to working in a medical clinic, 5 out of the 7 years when the 4th of July is on a weekday, I can't do anything where I need to stay up late. Luckily, our doctor loves us and is giving us Friday off this year. Woop Woop!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you make it there! It sounds like a blast. I went to one years ago but would love to do it again. Happy weekend!
