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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

30-Day Blogging Challenge: Your Definition of Love

This is a hard one to quantify. I was asked this question just recently and gave a very kind of stoic and logical response. It's not a question that I can just up and answer without thinking on it some, first.
The reason I'm writing this now is because of something that I felt last night that I think helped me define what love truly is.

I think love is complete and utter acceptance of a person and who they are. It's knowing their flaws and not being bothered by them. It's somehow caring even more than you ever thought you could when they can't possibly understand why you would.
Love is honesty because it's acceptance. It's not being afraid to tell your partner anything and everything because there will be no judgement. 
For me personally, it's a feeling of empathy that is completely new. I'm not normally very empathetic, but I feel such a connection that it borders on scary. It's more than just caring, compassion and sympathy. It's knowing when they are in emotional pain and hurting when they do. It's not just seeing the signs, it's feeling it. Even in complete darkness.

Love is what remains after the dust settles. After that "honeymoon period" is over. It's a glue that allows a relationship to continue to flourish well into your wonder years.

Love isn't trying to fill a void, it's adding to what is already there. Sometimes you feel so full that you might burst.

Love is being out of your comfort zone. Wanting to be out of it. Maybe even excited to be.

Love is an evolution. It's not forcing you to change for the other person. It's not even wanting to change for them. It's a gradual process that you don't even realize is happening until it's almost over. You've suddenly realized that you've become a better version of yourself. Maybe the person you have always meant to be.

This is my definition of love.

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