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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Am I the only one?

This is me reaching out to other people that have lost loved ones/spouses in the past many years ago. I'm reaching out to see if others experience this as well.

I keep dreaming about Josh (short blurb here for those who don't know). It's been more than 10 years since his passing but it seems as though my unconscious brain has not given up hope of being reunited in some way. At this point, I think I've dreampt up every feasible way of being reunited with him; from him faking his own death, to being reincarnated, to last night, actually taking the lock of hair that I had saved and used his DNA to clone him. The funny thing is my brain is trying to rationalize it somehow because if you know me, you know that I'm a logical thinker and require explanations for everything. 

And don't get me wrong, I don't mind dreaming about my Joshie at all; and generally speaking, when I think back on the dream I had, I was not unhappy or sad in it. But I sure as hell am sad/disappointed after I wake up. It's no fun to be yanked out of the reality you built for yourself, especially when it includes a deceased loved one.

I just wonder if anybody else does this? 10+ years later, are you still dreaming of someone who has passed on? Is your brain trying to rationalize their death, or trying to explain how they suddenly came back to life (wishful thinking)? Is this normal?

I'm starting to wonder if it's because I believe that we were soul mates, and maybe it means something significant whenever I dream about him. I don't know. Does this mean that I haven't really moved on? Somehow I don't think that's the case because my brain certainly knows it. It's using his DNA to clone him ffs. Obviously I know he's gone.

Anyway, let me know in the comments please! I hope I'm not alone, here.

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