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Monday, August 12, 2013

Weird Movie Sequels

So, on a trip yesterday, Justin and I were stuck in a weird traffic jam on I-90 for about 22 miles. We contemplated our demise as we sat in the longest backup of my life. Our only foodstuffs were inedible chicken and waffle potato chips (who votes for this shit?) and items bought at a market; including apple butter, peaches, honey-roasted peanuts, and a bottle of Tropical Sunset wine. Deciding we would rather be closer to starvation before eating the chips, we settled on talking about movies. I noticed earlier on the drive; a red truck barreling down a road in the middle of a piece of farmland. Twister was one of my favorite movies of all time and suddenly spouted that they should have made a sequel. Justin's reply was "a sequel for what?" This lead to an interesting game of "Name a Movie That Doesn't Have a Sequel and Never Would", basically. Mine was Twister 2: Waterspout. Justin's was The Day After Tomorrow 2: Today.

Here are a few more we made up, including a couple from my friend Jim, who got in on it with us:

  • Shawshank Redemption 2: Guantanamo Bay
  • Battlefield Earth 2: Nobody's Here
  • Independence Day 2: Cinco De Mayo
  • Mrs. Doubtfire 2: The Operation
  • Taken 3: Come Back
  • The Transporter 4: Next Day Delivery
  • Mommie Dearest 2: No More Wire Hangers
  • Signs 2: Billboards Among Us

Which one is your favorite? Can you think of any good ones? Let me know in the comments!

I think I see my car...

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