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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Do People My Age Do For Their Birthday?

The title is pretty self explanitory. I mean, I'm turning 29, so it's not a milestone or anything. But I've been having some bad luck! For the entire year just about, I was looking forward to celebrating at Chopstix for my birthday like I did the year before - just to find out they got shuttered. Bowling has always been a back-burner option for me because I like to bowl and so do my close friends. So when I couldn't think of anything else to do, I looked up Bremerton Lanes because they're a smaller, quieter alley than most. Turns out they were shuttered back in 2010. Obviously there are other alleys out there, but damn.

How do people my age generally celebrate? I'm not much of a 'bar-hopping, dance club' party girl. Nor am I a 'quiet night at home sipping wine' girl, either. Not that I have a home to celebrate in right now. That's part of the problem. Since I'm living with my parents in the short term, it's not really an option just to 'hang at my place'. Nor is it really an option to hang at any of my friend's places either lol. A couple of options have been thrown at me, like Dorky's and Dave & Busters (thanks Erik but I can't drive to Boise lol), but they don't sound fun to me.

I don't know. I feel as though people my age are past the 'drink all night' stage, and into something a little more subdued. The problem is... what is that? (And it's not as if I'm limiting myself because of my age. I know I could if I wanted to, but I just don't. Especially since I have to drive myself home).

Does anybody have any ideas?! Help me out here!!

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