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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The prank that almost never was

I was reminded recently of something I did in Junior High that had me laughing as I was re-telling the story to my friend Brenda.

I went to Cedar Heights in Port Orchard, (home of the Raindevils... wooo) and I had a teacher that I had hated from day one, back when he was a sub. His name was Mr. Simonson, and I hated him because he had subbed in the class I hated most - math - and at the beginning of class he'd done something infuriating. He kept moving back and forth in front of the classroom and waiting for people to pay attention, (which I was obviously refusing to do) and he said "I'm going to keep moving because the eye is attracted to movement." and I looked up. And I've hated him ever since (dammit; present me is impressed tho).

Anyway, that's the backstory. Fast-forward to present day JH and now Mr. Simonson was my language arts/homeroom teacher (Pretty sure I screamed nooooooo!! in teen-aged angst when I saw his name on my schedule and begged office staff to switch me to a different teacher). So one day, one of the students was selling fake parking tickets, and I have no idea how or why I decided to buy one but I did. (Maybe I had a little devil on my shoulder telling me who I should use it on). Our classroom was in a portable within clear view of the 2nd floor cafeteria, and I knew which car was Simonson's.

I hatched a plan.

Sneak out there during lunch, and slap that bad boy right on his windshield. I'd never see him find it, but that didn't matter. He parked right next to the portable. I'd be in and out in seconds. No one would ever know.

Except, being a nice kid who never played pranks on people, it wouldn't be that easy for me as it turns out. I walked out there all suspicious-looking and stood next to his car for an absurdly long amount of time. I was hesitating because I thought, well what if his car had an alarm - (it was a clunker, there's no way it would, I know that now) - he was parked feet from the portable window!! He would run out here and catch me! And then he'd think I was vandalizing his car! (I know now that this is my mind being anxious and had no idea this was not a normal brain process.) I remember looking up at the cafeteria windows and seeing everyone staring back down at me. No one probably cared, but I thought they were silently judging me. So, I finally puffed up my chest and quickly stuck it under his windshield wiper and walked away. 


(Who wasn't actually mean at all lol)

My first and only prank that almost never was. How riveting!

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