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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 2.5: Porteau Cove

Day 1
Day 2

Porteau Cove
Because I wanted LTX to be its own post, I need to add one stop we made on the way to our hotel in Squamish called Porteau Cove. In my research it looked like a pretty place to see on the map so I wanted to take a look. The original plan was to stop there on Monday on our way home, but the sun was beginning to set on the way up and I thought it a perfect opportunity to catch some extra beauty.
I wanted to share some pictures of the area for you all.

Hotel Squamish
I'm going to end this short blog entry with our check in at Hotel Squamish. It was probably the worst hotel I've ever been in - and I've slept in some fairly crappy places - but their price matched and I knew what I was getting into with those places. We stepped into our room that night and discovered the hellhole that was no A/C and no usable window for airflow. Although it was 80+ degrees in the daytime, it still dipped into the mid-50's at night. But it never even got close to that all night thanks to the tiny window. At least we had 2 fans. I sat the pedestal fan on top of the mini-fridge/microwave combo and it reached the part of the window that could open. The bed was a queen but the headboard attached to the wall was for some kind of monster king bed. And the bedside table was a good 2 feet away on my side. The pillows were hard and fat, making my neck hurt while I tried to sleep. The bathroom door didn't close all the way because it was warped. And we had to spend 2 nights here. Ugh. Apparently, right down the street, The Chieftan was getting renovated and being renamed CRASH, and we got a tour. We will be staying there next time for sure.

I'm going to end the post here. Stay tuned for Day 3!

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