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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day 2: LTX 2019!

Read about Day 1 here

Okay, so let me set the stage a little bit here. LMG (Linus Media Group) has 3 Youtube channels, Linus Tech Tips, Techquickie, and Techlinked. They employ about 30 people and as a company they're pretty big. They have almost 9 million subscribers on LTT alone. So once their base of fans grew, they decided to start yearly meetups. The first 2 LTX's were pretty janky, but this year they were going to go all out. They even had other tech-related youtube celebrities show up (surprise!) last year so this year they had a Creator's area set up so that they wouldn't be bombarded with fans the entire time they were there.

They had a lot of things to do, including things like VR RC car driving, VR escape room, a blind cable management race (in which I was there when Linus was participating - and he won, of course!), a case toss, and a cool
set up with super old computer technology. They had a large BYOC (bring your own computer) area for overnight gameplay, and even a free-play area with PCs already set up. But considering they sold all 3000 available tickets for Saturday, the lines were kind of ridiculous. In fact, the line to get in was cray. Patrick and I decided to wait it out and go eat lunch at Fatburger and come back when the line was gone.

So we got in at about 11:30, and decided to stand in the merch line. I've been wanting to buy merch for a while but didn't want to pay shipping so I decided to wait until LTX. So I had to make sure I got my stuff before they sold out. As we were waiting, I saw Linus in the Creator's area across the way taking pics and signing stuff. I looked over at the schedule sign and he was only going to be there until 1pm (!) so I decided to stand in line while Patrick waited in the merch line. As I crept closer, I realized that we were running out of time. I wasn't going to make it by 1pm, I just wasn't. I crept closer at about the same rate as Patrick, so even if I did make it he wouldn't be here to see it. Finally,
Linus came up to a volunteer and asked about the line. I couldn't hear the conversation but I saw him gesture and say to cut the line, which is what all of us had been saying this whole time. It was cut about 5 people behind me. That was close!!! I felt so bad for those people, though. I had been in this line for 1-1/2 hours almost.
It was my turn next, and suddenly I saw Patrick standing off to the side. I gestured him to come over so that he could take pics. Just in the nick of time!! I was so nervous. I gave Linus the LTX19 low-ball glass that I Kim made on her Cricut machine, and asked him to sign mine.

Alex, Colton, Anthony, James
Yvonne, Brandon, Jon
Riley, Luke

He was so nice; I think he expected me to ask questions or have a conversation (He had been doing so with everyone, which is why the line was taking forever) but I wanted to keep it short and sweet. I had nothing to ask - it was just cool to meet him and see him in person.

So Patrick and I actually didn't do a whole lot, mainly due to the lines. There was a delidding (CPU) class and a Beginner PC building class going on, but we checked out the old computers and I mainly just walked around in search of LMG staff to sign my glass. We watched a couple of the stage programs, and finished off with the Live WAN show. It was hosted by Linus and Luke, and Linus asked if he'd managed to walk around, and Luke basically said "I went to visit a friend at the BYOC area and have been stuck there ever since". Yeaahhh, he signed my "AMD outside - so many cores!" shirt too ;D

WAN show started late - of course - which basically meant that I was late getting back to my car - which meant that I ended up with a parking ticket! Super lame. We decided to hang out and eat at Tim Horton's for dinner because I just didn't feel like going to an actual restaurant and waiting for food. We were both pretty exhausted and we still had to drive up to Squamish and check in at our hotel.

What a day, though. So many good memories. I'm going to have to buy a shadowbox for my glass in order to keep it safe!

Onward and upward to Day 3 - Whistler!

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