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Thursday, June 13, 2019

30-Day Blogging Challange: Somewhere you would like to move or visit

I like local travel. Mostly because it's cheaper and a hell of a lot more convenient. I've never traveled alone. I had actually planned my first trip alone to Canada for LTX before I met Patrick. Despite the fact that he's not really into computer tech, he wanted to join me, and I was more than willing to let him. Besides, I wasn't going to just see LTX in Vancouver, BC, but travel up to Whistler and explore some wilderness too. Vancouver is still local to me, though. I find travel scary. I can't do it alone; I need the support of someone by my side in case things get wonky. Travel experience is a plus but not required. Plus, it's a lot more fun to have someone to talk to and experience things with. Being introverted means it's difficult for me to interact with strangers, even if I need to.

I've been growing more interest in visiting Japan. That place is scary as shit. Not only is Japanese culture way different and completely out of my comfort zone but they don't speak English! The signs aren't even in English. You actually have to know some shit before you go. And being an anxious person in general means I'd be constantly on edge or ill at ease about everything, everywhere. I don't know how much fun I would actually have, even though I know a fair bit about Japanese culture. Watching the youtube channel Abroad in Japan is what has grown my interest in traveling there, however. I'm not too keen on the cities themselves, but the wilderness looks absolutely stunning. And nature is revered in Japan. Maybe one day I will garner the courage to visit.

I'm also interested in visiting Ireland and New Zealand. They're kind of passing interests, though. Again, it's mostly for the wilderness and the views (I also need that Jurassic Park helicopter tour in my life). I'm not at all interested in visiting Europe. Maybe I'm the only one, but old architecture holds no fascination for me.

Within the States, the places I want to see are again, mostly nature-related. I want to go back to Montana and Alaska. I want to see Yellowstone National Park. And more recently, I want to go to San Diego.

Well that's weird, Amy. All the places you mentioned are full of nature. Why San Diego?

That's Patrick's home soil. He's expressed interest in taking me there so I'm super curious. Besides, I've seen some pics of it. Although I'd rather spend time in a forest than on a beach (however, I've never spent time on a warm, sun-kissed, tropical-type beach) it looks stunning, so I definitely want to see it for myself.

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