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Friday, August 31, 2018

Why is Lucifer so Facinating?

I don't watch stuff more than once, generally. Even if I really really like it. Sure, there are some movies I've seen more than once, like Jurassic Park, or October Sky. But even some of the greatest movies I've ever seen will only pull my attention on their initial run, never to cross my eyeballs again.
For the longest time, Star Trek is the only series (and I'm talking all of them, save Enterprise) that I've seen more than once. Some more than twice (Voyager, I'm looking at you).

And then came Lucifer.

Something about this show fascinates me, and I'm thinking it might have something to do with Tom Ellis (okay, everything to do with Tom Ellis). It's almost like I can watch each episode and it won't stick in my brain like other shows will to the point where I can't watch it again. Every time I watch an episode it's like I'm seeing it again for the first time.

By the way, I'm on re-watch number four. Yeah, you heard me. FOUR. As in, as soon as I'm done with the last season, I start over again. I know, it's crazy.

There's something about the Lucifer character that turns me to mush (could it be his charm? haha) which is very strange because he's the exact opposite of any guy I would ever look to date. He's selfish, conceited, and could almost be considered narcissistic if it wasn't for the fact that his naivete stops him from realizing how he's acting sometimes. Lucifer also treats most women as mere objects and conquests and doesn't hide how he looks at them. With the #metoo movement going on now, he'd be banished to Hell for his behavior, I'm sure.

But he's also incredibly charming, witty, and funny as hell. The British accent doesn't hurt either.
[Side note: I don't know how much of what he says is scripted or improvised, but how British he sounds is at least 50% of what makes Lucifer so well cast with Tom Ellis. Without all the British wit, it wouldn't be nearly as fun to watch.]

Lucifer actually hits all three things on my must-have list for any relationship:

1. Honesty
He never lies. It's a point of pride for him. It's especially evident in the Season 2 episode "It's a Good Day to Die" where he's sitting next to Chloe in the hospital bed and she's asking if they'll have a talk later. He doesn't even respond verbally, because he knows he's about to run away. (admittedly not the best example... lol)

[Bonus points: He never once lies about who he is. He straight up says he's the Devil from day one. Invulnerable, immortal; all that. That's another reason I love this show and why it is so unique. There are too many shows out there where the character is always trying to hide who they are and people around them almost find out (gasp!) it's kind of getting old. This is new and refreshing.]

2. Loyalty (or faithfulness)
This one is kind of up to interpretation because he's very self-centered generally. But, even when he ran away to Las Vegas to get married (a plan hatched just to get Chloe to fall out of love with him), he still came back. Because he wants to be by her side, even if it means only friendship and nothing more.

3. Humor
A man's gotta be funny!

4. Not into Kids (this should be at the top, really lol)
We gotta be on the same page.




  1. I think the show is great for a few reasons:
    * Very well written (thanks writers)
    * Excellent premise, background story, believable even though it's a fantasy
    * EXCELLENT actor choice with Tom Ellis, who can say more with a look than most actors say with their mouths
    * Excellent balance of soft, sexy, sarcastic humor
    * Excellent supporting staff
    * And lastly, it attracts an excellent, well behaved, loyal fan base.

  2. I love the show, got Netflix just to continue with it. He is handsome, conceited, snobby and a perfect accent for the role of course a Brit would be the devil. I'm just so glad that it got pick up. I hope Fox & CW both will be kicking themselves in the ass. Fox for canceling CW for not picking it up. "Because it doesn't fit into their programming. I was in a group that helped saved, he mentioned our group several times on Twitter. First we were SaveLucifer then when it happened we changed to LucifersSaviours. So that means I can throw in another laugh to all those who were saying "yay we got rid of the Devil." We know who they were!
