Don't you just love that it looks like she's epilating something
that's already been waxed?
But after years of shaving my underarms almost daily (due to fair skin and dark hair), the whole idea of it was getting on my nerves. Even after shaving my arms would not be smooth because my skin is not flat and taut in that area. I needed a better solution.
So did I finally take the plunge and buy an epilator? Nope. I tried waxing first. Or, to be more specific: sugaring. It is fairly easy to make your own "wax" at home, melting nothing but sugar, water, and some lemon juice. I made a hard wax on accident by cooking the mixture too long. So instead of it being pliable and pulling off with strips, I had to wait until it hardened and straight pulled it off by itself.
Advantages of sugaring:
1. Basically free
2. Quick pain and then it's over
3. Only have to do it once every 3-4 weeks
Disadvantages of sugaring:
1. Messy as heck
2. Don't heat the sugar too hot or it'll take forever to cool before you can apply it
3. You have to wait for it to cool completely before you can pull it off (this can be a problem if it is humid or hot where you are - it may never harden properly)
4. Only can do it once every 3-4 weeks. Sugaring requires a decent amount of growth before it can stick to the hair in order for you to pull it out. Which means you're running around with hairy underarms, and that kind of defeats the purpose. Especially for me, where you can see even 2-days growth.
The cons outweighed the pros here, so after a few months of trying it out, I decided to buy an epilator. The plus side of doing it this way is that, now that your hairs have been traumatized by being pulled out over and over, epiliating will be less painful. And it was certainly less painful - and a flip-ton easier to do. No fuss, no mess, just epilate and move on with your day. Plus you don't have to wait as long to do it, which I definitely need.
Now I can't wait to try this on my legs. Wish me luck!