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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Music That Defines Me

Or music that tells you how I use the Domino effect to remember things!

Well, I can start out by saying that this song tells you about my tenacity.

I watched this music video back in elementary school, during "music class" which was nothing more than playing a recorder and listening to songs that our "music teacher" liked, like the song Peaches. Ugh. Anyway, I had this song kind of stuck in the back of my head for several years. And it took me that long to find it again because the song was called Buddy Holly. Yeah, that's not the person who sang it lol. Cool music video though, since they took Happy Days and plugged themselves into it.

This was my favorite song as a child. Why? Hell if I know lol. I just remember they never freaking played it on the radio and I always got so dang upset when they would play some other Neil Sedaka song instead.
(I am not this old. Believe it or not I'm only 29.)

Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out for a Hero

This is an interesting one. Another song that took me many years to track down. This song actually reminds me of my trip to Las Vegas and Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton, because this song played on a preview to the movie Star Trek: First Contact (on VHS) which also included a preview to Star Trek: The Experience, where I begged and begged my parents to take me one day. The reason it took me so long to track it down because if you watch the aforementioned preview, you can tell it's not Bonnie Tyler singing it, and I don't know who is. (Plus I was looking for song titles like "Hero" and "I Need a Hero".)

Yeah believe it or not somebody posted this and THANK YOU. Ah, the memories.

MST3K - He Tried to Kill Me With a Forklift!

And this one reminds me of my Joshie. My late fiancee. He not only loved this song, but he played two different versions of it on his keyboard. I think this is my favorite MST3K movie ever.

This song reminds me of my Grandma. She passed away a few of years ago. The reason it reminds me of her is because her name is actually in it: Lucy Brown. Pretty cool.

This song shows my stubborninity. Yeah, that's a word I made up. Sounds better than stubbornness :P and  this is why. (It's kind of a long post. Feel free to scroll down a bit to the second set of italics.)

Songs have always reminded me of specific events in my history. Riyu Kosaka's Begin always reminds me of running around in World of Warcraft because it was on eternal repeat while I played it. The Chiffon's One Fine Day will forever remind me of an old crush I had on a teacher.

And then, there's always this.