There were decorated cupcakes with our logo in fondant etc, which were cute. I'll give 'em that. I'm sure those weren't cheap to make. But the appetizer buffet, seen in the pic above (for about 100 people?) was pathetic. It was slices of cold pastrami/roast beef, with olives and what looked like fillings for a fajita (mushrooms, peppers, onions) but nothing to put them on besides these bite-size pieces of sourdough.
Yes I know, you're probably thinking "reunions are about the people, not the food!". But in all honesty, you could hang out with these people any time. We all found each other on the "South Kitsap Reunion O'Two" FB page to get the invites etc, so it's not like they're out of contact. Reunions aren't the same as in the old days - Facebook made sure of that. The whole thing was coordinated and planned through it. The turn out was still lame, however. 100 people is nothing compared to our graduating class of over 600. And in actuality, there were 900 seniors. I mean, sure, the point of the reunion is to meet up again. But we could have done that without the $40 surcharge. A cheaper rental location for one.
We had a DJ at least. And the fact that 90% of the music played being from the 90's was a nice novelty at first, but then it was mostly rolling of the eyes after that. Hardly anybody danced. Once they got liquored up (at the charge bar that had very little to offer with a huge cost for the drinks depending on difficulty) the dancing began but only for a very short while. This song always seems to get them started, though:
It sounds like he's singing "Down Down boulibase"
That's just the foodie in me I guess
Our mascot is rockin' it
I did get what I wanted, at least. Two people that of course I didn't recognize because I was ignored all through my HS life, came up to me and were shocked at how good I looked. I had lost about 70 pounds. I'd also switched out my glasses for contacts, was wearing make-up, and my hair was straight (and dyed). I looked nothing like I did in HS. I didn't have to worry about making conversation with anyone, though. Nobody else came up to us (as in me, my friend Mary who I came with, and Lisa - someone who also hung out at our table in HS). We basically spent the entire evening talking to each other, which was nice, but also quite boring in all honesty. Justin should be relieved that he didn't have to go (and I'm very relieved that we didn't end up spending then $80 dollars) he would have wanted out of there by 9pm.
The only highlight of the evening was a raffle. A lot of the raffle items sucked. They were giving away emergency road kits, and $10 gift certs to frozen yogurt (which I won one, but the damn place is in Port Orchard). There was one prize for $50 dinner cert to Clearwater Casino in Poulsbo, which would not have been worth the drive for me, and $150 something or other that the guy nobody knew won. lol
Apparently there was another reunion going on next door. Their music was much louder. Turns out it was Central K's 30th, and they were rockin' out better than us. Like, to the point where several of the people went over there to party instead. Mary and I went over to check it out, and I as I heard "Yeah 3x" by Chris Brown, I was so there lol. We only stayed for a few minutes though. By 11pm we decided we'd had enough and went home.
So, it wasn't really a waste. But a good time? I suppose if you were a popular student and knew half the people at the reunion then probably. But for Mary, Lisa and I? Not really. Wished they would have had games, or contests, or something. But, oh well! There's always the 20th, I guess!